It is important that we not succumb to stories and narratives designed to give us false memories, to re-write history, as we honor and remember President George Herbert Walker Bush.
Bush began his Texas career in Midland, the oil drilling independents’ capital, but soon moved to huge Houston where the corporate oil industry is largely based. Bush helped to get a working Republican Party going in Harris County and was eventually elected to Congress. His Republican Party was not the party of Reagan, reform, and limited government. His was the GOP of Gerald Ford and the establishment class of big-government-is-OK as long as we manage it better than do Democrats.
President Bush, beyond all doubt, held a personal set of ethics alongside great ability which lead him to be entrusted with great responsibility by the powerful: special representative to China when opening them to the West, head of the CIA, and much more. His loyalty to President Reagan as vice president is legendary and unquestioned, though many of his crowd didn’t follow his leadership on the issue.
For all the grand things we can say about George H.W. Bush, it cannot be forgotten that for all the positive talk from the media about him now, he was abused and pilloried* when it came re-election time by the Republican-hating muckraking members of the national press.
Mr. Bush and his establishment side of the GOP made the mistake of believing their political enemies were honorable in their commitment to making the country better.
Bush, however, didn’t effectively fight back against the damaging propaganda until it was too late and then it was against fellow Texan Dan Rather of CBS News. By the time Bush pushed back much of the country had been convinced that he was a blue-blooded, out-of-touch, patrician who had little in common with working people.
Mr. Bush and his establishment side of the GOP made, and continue to make, the mistake of believing their political enemies are honorable in their commitment to making the country better. That’s a mistake born of willful ignorance of methods and goals of the Left.
George H. W. Bush and the national media
Bush began his Texas career in Midland, the oil drilling independents’ capital, but soon moved to huge Houston where the corporate oil industry is largely based. Bush helped to get a working Republican Party going in Harris County and was eventually elected to Congress. His Republican Party was not the party of Reagan, reform, and limited government. His was the GOP of Gerald Ford and the establishment class of big-government-is-OK as long as we manage it better than do Democrats.
President Bush, beyond all doubt, held a personal set of ethics alongside great ability which lead him to be entrusted with great responsibility by the powerful: special representative to China when opening them to the West, head of the CIA, and much more. His loyalty to President Reagan as vice president is legendary and unquestioned, though many of his crowd didn’t follow his leadership on the issue.
For all the grand things we can say about George H.W. Bush, it cannot be forgotten that for all the positive talk from the media about him now, he was abused and pilloried* when it came re-election time by the Republican-hating muckraking members of the national press.
Mr. Bush and his establishment side of the GOP made the mistake of believing their political enemies were honorable in their commitment to making the country better.
Bush, however, didn’t effectively fight back against the damaging propaganda until it was too late and then it was against fellow Texan Dan Rather of CBS News. By the time Bush pushed back much of the country had been convinced that he was a blue-blooded, out-of-touch, patrician who had little in common with working people.
Mr. Bush and his establishment side of the GOP made, and continue to make, the mistake of believing their political enemies are honorable in their commitment to making the country better. That’s a mistake born of willful ignorance of methods and goals of the Left.
*You might enjoy the reminders in this podcast:Remembering the Clinton Democrats and media mocking George HW Bush as a wimp AUDIO