CBS poll: Beto Pancho voters less rational than Cruz voters

Pratt on Texas Buried in the CBS News story Sunday, in which the network release October polling numbers in key U.S. Senate races, was this nugget giving evidence to my claims about Beto Pancho Lefty O’Rourke supporters across the state:

“In Texas, Beto O’Rourke supporters are about as inclined to say they’re backing him because of his personal qualities as they are because of his stance on issues, more so than Cruz’s voters, who are more drawn to Cruz’s issue stances than his personal qualities.”

The poll has Ted Cruz leading by 50% to 44% for Beto Pancho Lefty.

For what purpose do we elect a member of Congress? Do we elect a member of Congress to cast votes on key issues facing the nation? Or, do we elect members of Congress so that we often see someone we like or think is cool in the news?

It is completely irrational to vote for someone for legislative office more for his personality than for how he will vote on the very issues that affect our lives. But people do this constantly, putting even their own personal liberty and the future of their children at risk.

With Democrats almost half are voting Beto because of his personality.

I have long reminded on Pratt on Texas that when voting you should be aware that you are not voting for a pal to have coffee or beer with several times per week.

I am glad to see in the CBS News YouGov poll that in Texas, my fellow Republicans show to be far more rational in their voting than Democrat O’Rourke backers who don’t have a clue what he will do in office but back him because they like his made-for-the-campaign personality. With Democrats almost half are voting Beto because of his personality.

The poll has Ted Cruz leading by 50% to 44% for Beto Pancho Lefty. None of that will matter unless each of you turns out to vote and makes sure conservative friends and family do the same.


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