The photo enforcement company that bankrupted Dallas County Schools in Texas has renewed its deal after a rebranding.

Law enforcement by camera.
A school bus camera contractor sent Dallas County, Texas Schools into bankruptcy, yet county officials have doubled down by accepting a new bus camera deal. Dallas residents voted to dissolve Dallas County Schools last year after the organization’s leadership was caught taking bribes from automated ticketing vendor Force Multiplier Solutions. The Dissolution Committee for the Former Board of Dallas County Schools (DCS) inked the new deal with BusPatrol.
“BusPatrol owns the stop arm camera technology Intellectual Property that was previously owned by DCS and installed on buses across Dallas County,” stated a press release issued Tuesday by BusPatrol chief David Poirier. “They are a new independently owned and operated company that is focused on highlighting and protecting student safety across the country. BusPatrol is not involved in the dissolution of DCS.”
BusPatrol is merely a rebranded version of Force Multiplier Solutions, the company that bribed and bankrupted Dallas County Schools. Poirier himself served as president of Force Multiplier Solutions, and BusPatrol does business from the exact same Lorton, Virginia, address as Force Multiplier. BusPatrol retained many of the former company’s leaders.
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