Re-elect Kreitler in Abilene’s Place 2 council race

Tomorrow, Saturday, 16th is city council runoff election day in Abilene.

Polls are open from 7am to 7pm on Saturday, 16 June. You can find polling locations here:

This is my commentary from the original 3-way race in May. I fully recommend Bruce Kreitler in the runoff election.

Abilene’s Place 2 city council race, in which the civic cheerleader crowd has pulled out all stops to attempt to keep a conservative from returning to the council, has been interesting to watch as well as a bit confusing.

Bothersome to me have been the untruths spread about my coverage of the race by some. Councilman. Kreitler has not appeared on Pratt on Texas during this race at any time, including our live broadcast from Abilene, that he did not officially request the airtime through my website, in advance, in the manner that all candidates are instructed to do.

In office Councilman Bruce Kreitler has not caved to pressure groups, has asked tough questions of city management, and seems to have done everything he promised voters he would do. Isn’t that what voters say they want?

Neither of his opponents did so at all. One, who contacted my local affiliate KYYW the day of the live broadcast was told to come on down but did not show up. The folk passing such falsities about candidates being denied airtime are liars.

In office Councilman Bruce Kreitler has not caved to pressure groups, has asked tough questions of city management, and seems to have done everything he promised voters he would do. Isn’t that what voters say they want?

The only argument I’ve received for opposing Kreilter is that some don’t like his personality. The online trolling and comments that have been sent my way have been mostly devoid of rational argument and instead filled with the emotional idea that because they, the writers, do not like Mr. Kreitler people should vote against him. I covered this issue in a general manner in my commentary yesterday titled: Voting: You are not electing a buddy but a representative.

I would suggest that if you want to have council members who ask tough questions and don’t simply cave to the wishes of city staff at every turn, you return Bruce Kreitler to office.

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  1. Amen! I would like to think that Abilenians could understand how bad the civic establishment has conducted our business. 400G pay-off for an ISD convicted felon, DCOA financial blunders and extraordinary executive salaries. Hoarding public property for special interest, personal influence, and financial embellishment.

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