“After 14 years in the Texas Senate, Kel Seliger (R-Amarillo) has achieved a lackluster, at best, record on Pro-Life issues. He does nothing to help the cause except begrudgingly vote for Pro-Life bills when they reach the Senate floor. Rather than use his experience and tenure in the Senate to protect preborn children, pregnant mothers, and vulnerable patients, Seliger has been a serial antagonist toward strong Pro-Life legislation,” wrote the folks at Texas Right to Life.
SD31’s Kel Seliger
The folks at TRL, in a column titled “After a Long Run, Kel Seliger Needs to Go,” explained how in 2011 “Seliger demanded a major weakening amendment to the sonogram bill. The bill required that an abortionist provide a sonogram to a woman seeking an abortion 24 hours prior to the abortion. Claiming how inconvenienced rural women would be by having to drive twice to a distant abortion clinic—once for the sonogram and another time for the abortion, [apparently he’s never heard of a motel] Seliger withheld his 21st vote [needed to bring the bill forward] until a loophole was added to the bill that would exempt pregnant women who lived 100 miles or further from an abortion clinic from the 24 hour waiting period.”
Now if you are in favor of killing innocent people in the womb for the convenience of those who created them, then you’d have no problem with Seliger’s position but it certainly isn’t pro-life to work to make the legalized murder of a baby more easily done.
The “After a Long Run, Kel Seliger Needs to Go” piece from Texas Right to Life is detailed and gives a good look at how the game has been played by Seliger.
Frankly, he has taken some very bad positions on life issues as well as most everything else. That’s why Seliger is ranked as the most liberal Republican in the Texas Senate by the Rice University Baker Institute.
SD31: Seliger has been as week on life issues as most everything else
SD31’s Kel Seliger
The folks at TRL, in a column titled “After a Long Run, Kel Seliger Needs to Go,” explained how in 2011 “Seliger demanded a major weakening amendment to the sonogram bill. The bill required that an abortionist provide a sonogram to a woman seeking an abortion 24 hours prior to the abortion. Claiming how inconvenienced rural women would be by having to drive twice to a distant abortion clinic—once for the sonogram and another time for the abortion, [apparently he’s never heard of a motel] Seliger withheld his 21st vote [needed to bring the bill forward] until a loophole was added to the bill that would exempt pregnant women who lived 100 miles or further from an abortion clinic from the 24 hour waiting period.”
Now if you are in favor of killing innocent people in the womb for the convenience of those who created them, then you’d have no problem with Seliger’s position but it certainly isn’t pro-life to work to make the legalized murder of a baby more easily done.
The “After a Long Run, Kel Seliger Needs to Go” piece from Texas Right to Life is detailed and gives a good look at how the game has been played by Seliger.
Frankly, he has taken some very bad positions on life issues as well as most everything else. That’s why Seliger is ranked as the most liberal Republican in the Texas Senate by the Rice University Baker Institute.