Statewide GOP ballot recommendations from Pratt on Texas

Pratt on Texas - copyright Pratt on Texas all rights reservedEarly voting in the 2018 Republican Party’s primary election begins Tuesday, 20 February. Here are my recommendations and endorsements for the statewide part of the ballot:

I fully endorse:

  • Ted Cruz for U.S. Senator
  • Greg Abbott for Texas Governor;
  • Dan Patrick for Lieutenant Governor
  • Ken Paxton for Attorney General
  • Glenn Hegar for Comptroller

Though we’ve had substantial differences with each other, for Commissioner of the General Land Office I’ll be voting for Jerry Patterson to return to the job. But what is most important is that you vote for either Patterson or Rick Range in order to force a run-off so that we can end George P. Bush’s tenure in the office he’s made a mess of.

For Agriculture Commissioner I recommend we keep Sid Miller in office. His opponent is a well-off Austin lobbyist backed by the Austin-swamp and has zero in his resume related directly to agriculture.

In the race for Railroad Commissioner, I recommend Christi Craddick for re-election.

There are two competitive races for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. In the race for presiding judge I am recommending challenger, Justice on Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals and Texas Tech Law School graduate, David Bridges. It is time scandal-plagued incumbent Sharon Keller is sent packing.

In the race for Judge, Place 8 on the Court of Criminal Appeals I recommend Judge Dib Waldrip who has appeared on Pratt on Texas.

More recommendations and endorsements coming in Monday’s commentary.


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  1. Robert,
    Please know how much we appreciate you and listen faithfully to what you have to say, supporting most all of the recommendations you make from the reasoning you use.

    I know you are SO busy, but please know we desperately need your analysis and recommendations on the local races in Taylor County and Abilene for the upcoming election, in which some of us are compelled to vote absentee since we cannot be here on election day. Please keep the info coming in time for us to vote absentee on the Saturday/Monday preceding election day.

    Respectfully and appreciatively,

  2. Mrs. George Mogford(Leilani) says

    I depend on you 100% to keep me on who is running in the Republican Party in Abilene, Texas. I trust you 100%. I am afraid that I keep up with the National Republican Party, but I am rusty on the Texas Republican Party here in Abilene, Tx.
    So Thank You for keeping us abreast of who to vote for in the Texas Elections.

    • Pratt on Texas says

      Under the current chairman, Winston Ohlhausen, you have an active, conservative-friendly Taylor County Republican Party. It is no longer a downtown exclusive buddy club but a real working party. They often have Friday luncheons for all and I encourage you to join them.

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