Lubbock ISD chief makes ludicrous claim on Texas school funding

Robert Pratt photo Copyright Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt

Speaking about public school funding and the Texas Legislature, Lubbock ISD chief Berhl Robertson was quoted by KAMC television as saying: “It came back with much less money and very little for Lubbock ISD. We are pretty discouraged about no additional funding and not a lot of attention paid to the 5.3 million children in public education in Texas.”

Really, no attention paid for children in Texas public schools?

“Texas spends $60 billion on schools in our two-year budget including both federal and state funds — and $41 billion of that is state funding. That is on top of the estimated $28 to $30 billion annually that is paid by local property taxpayers,” Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick reminds us.

image: Berhl Robertson

Berhl Robertson

Why do Robertson and other educrats believe themselves entitled to more net money each legislative session? That is what Robertson and others are complaining about, that they are not getting more money over and above enrollment growth and they complain every two years and all the time in between sessions.

Senate Bill 1, the state budget, fully funds the state’s Foundation School Program — the state share of school funding. It also provides funding for the estimated 80,000 new students who are projected over the next two years. Schools are getting more money to cover the increased cost of growing enrollment but, school officials whine, moan, and mislead with the help of ignorant local media.

Total education spending accounts for about fifty-two percent of the Texas budget and to claim, as did Lubbock ISD’s Robertson, that “not a lot of attention paid to the 5.3 million children in public education in Texas” is ludicrous, reeks of ignorance, and just plain stupid.

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