Washington, DC: Change. What change?

Robert Pratt photo Copyright Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt

Our good friend and noted author Robert Zimmerman posted at behindtheblack.com this:

“The swamp wins! A bipartisan budget deal worked out by Republicans and Democrats in Congress will cut nothing from the bloated federal government.”

He then quotes from a Chicago Tribune story on the matter:

While losing on the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump won a $15 billion down payment on his request to strengthen the military.

GOP leaders demurred from trying to use the must-do spending bill to “defund” Planned Parenthood. The White House also backed away from language to take away grants from “sanctuary cities” that do not share information about people’s immigration status with federal authorities.

The measure funds the remainder of the 2017 budget year, rejecting cuts to popular domestic programs targeted by Trump, such as medical research and infrastructure grants.

“In other words, these corrupt bastards are doing nothing to reduce the budget, even though that is exactly what they were elected to do. Instead, they are growing it,” Zimmerman rightly adds.

I agree but I’m not sure that local voters really care.

In the district in which I reside, TX-19, voters sent to Congress a freshman representative who bragged of his closeness to the horrible Congressional leadership in D.C. This and his previous time as a swamp-swimmer impressed and pleased voters. Given that, how do we expect to ever obtain authentic change in Washington?

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