Lubbock’s District 2 clear, Mayor & District 4 races muddled

Robert Pratt
In Lubbock the race for mayor of the Hub City is about as muddled as it gets.
The most conservative candidate is Ysidro Gutierez but in typical Ysidro fashion he’s running ads that are so “squirrelly” to quote one listener, that it’s cause for caution. Ysidro says things that are, in my opinion, actionable and well beyond criticism of political records. Heck, he’s accusing others of things that are crimes. He’s most conservative but is he electable?
Both Dan Pope and Todd Klein have strong followings and political records and the non-conservative issues in those records are cause for serious concern. The other candidates in the race don’t merit mention.
I fully back Frank Gutierrez for city council in District 1. He’d be an immeasurable improvement over outgoing Victor H.
In Lubbock’s District 2, only about fifteen percent of it is the northeast area the four Obama-liberals are running to represent. Conservative Republican Jared Hall is running to represent the whole district, one in which I live by the way, and is a great choice. Vote Jared Hall in Lubbock’s District 2.
Lubbock’s District 4 is as muddled as the race for mayor with both incumbent Gerlt and Massengale being rather alien to the idea of conservatism and true limited government. However, I’d vote for Gerlt only because when it mattered he did side to protect private property rights in the city. Massengale is a yell leader for the civic cheerleader squad that historically backs spending and more debt.
In the race for Lubbock municipal judge there are three strong candidates. One is a Democrat, the other two are Republicans and the candidate I will vote for is Susan Rowley. Phil Johnson is a fine choice as well but after personal encounters with both, I am most comfortable with Rowley.
For Lubbock ISD District 5 I recommend Scot Mayfield who has appeared on Pratt on Texas.
It should be an interesting May 7th election in the Hub City.
Ysidro worrys people because he’s been doing some things
that might not be illegal per se, but are at least unethical.
Both, Frank and Ysidro have been reported as ‘Electioneering’
and Pressuring Early Voters…as they go vote.
In the Mayorial Race, I favor Todd Klein, because he has done a good job for the City of Lubbock and “He Keeps His Word”.
On the other hand, it helps to bring to light one’s political affiliation to determine the source, agenda and leadership direction of his word he is keeping.
Aug 14, 2000 … ”If we can get the eggheads and the hard hats together, there’s no stopping us,” Lubbock County Democratic Chairman Todd Klein said. Question: Is Todd going to be influenced by a radical Progressive Democratic Platform if elected to office? I say, probably.