Robert Pratt
How many of you had to go to elementary and middle-schools yesterday to watch your children, grand children and the like, in plays re-enacting the victory of the Texians at San Jacinto? Was it awe inspiring to see them capture “The Napoleon of the West” as he cowardly dressed in the clothes of a private to escape? Did the child actors whoop and whistle as Ms. Kate Scurry Terrell described the scene among refugee families on the Sabine River?
What? No play at your school? You mean your children didn’t dress up or do something for San Jacinto Day? Really? They didn’t even know it was Texas victory day?
I get it. Celebrating such is unfashionable these days what with fears of offending others who may be of Mexican decent and all the other stupid arguments. By the way, that argument is really stupid given what Mexican public schools teach about the hated Santa Anna and the fact that plenty of those with brown-skin fought for Texas’ independence.
The offense and political correctness excuses are the shallow top-level reasons given but such patriotic celebrations became unfashionable well before those excuses came into vogue. The Left has purposefully pushed against anything considered patriotic and anything that teaches our system or ideals are in anyway superior to any others. Their relativism doesn’t allow for the superiority of anything but Leftist dogma and they fight cleverly to destroy anything which instills in citizens a sense of unique pride.
We could change all of this. All we’d have to do has have parents demand that Texas and American patriotic events be well celebrated in our schools. So why haven’t we? Have we too been brainwashed into the idea that sacrificing for Liberty is passé?
I’m a teacher in an area school and nothing was mentioned at all on our announcements yesterday about San Jacinto Day yet we mentioned that yesterday was national high five day. I made sure to mention to my students the significance of San Jacinto Day.
Good job Chris!