A Texas Muslim who owns a fast-food franchise has been engaging in a public fight against those of another religion with whom he appears to have a deep dislike. So who are those the Muslim in Kemah is calling “racists” with signs all over his Dairy Queen?
Surprisingly, the attack is aimed at Hindus. Among the signs around his business which point out the errors of other religions, Hinduism seems to be the prime target. “Dar, a 40-year U.S. citizen from Pakistan, said he is aware of the controversy he has created, but maintains that he is not “putting any human down, I’m pointing out what’s wrong with Hinduism, which is a force of racism,” he told the San Antonio Express-News.
Dar takes aim at Christians calling the Holy Trinity a “crime” and a “tool to deny human equality” invented by a “crook” according to the story. The story contains this line too: “Another piece of his material compares the ancient religion of Hinduism to “monkyism (sic).”
Not impressed yet with how many times this guy’s brain has been through the soft-serve machine? Well then enjoy this quote attributed to him: “It’s nothing personal, it’s educational. I’m really making people mad, but what I’m doing is communicating and inviting them to communicate […] they think I am attacking their religion, but I am not.”
For its part, American Dairy Queen Corporation says it does not encourage non-business related messages in stores or displayed on exterior reader board and points out most stores are independently owned.
Dar is reportedly taking down his signs but says he’ll shift to brochures to tell people “where they have gone wrong.”
There are a lot of people truly exercised over all this. I choose to celebrate Liberty and am glad I live in a place where such can be said without threat of arrest – no matter how wrong or insulting.
Texas Muslim attacks Hinduism & more. So what?
Robert Pratt
A Texas Muslim who owns a fast-food franchise has been engaging in a public fight against those of another religion with whom he appears to have a deep dislike. So who are those the Muslim in Kemah is calling “racists” with signs all over his Dairy Queen?
Surprisingly, the attack is aimed at Hindus. Among the signs around his business which point out the errors of other religions, Hinduism seems to be the prime target. “Dar, a 40-year U.S. citizen from Pakistan, said he is aware of the controversy he has created, but maintains that he is not “putting any human down, I’m pointing out what’s wrong with Hinduism, which is a force of racism,” he told the San Antonio Express-News.
Dar takes aim at Christians calling the Holy Trinity a “crime” and a “tool to deny human equality” invented by a “crook” according to the story. The story contains this line too: “Another piece of his material compares the ancient religion of Hinduism to “monkyism (sic).”
Not impressed yet with how many times this guy’s brain has been through the soft-serve machine? Well then enjoy this quote attributed to him: “It’s nothing personal, it’s educational. I’m really making people mad, but what I’m doing is communicating and inviting them to communicate […] they think I am attacking their religion, but I am not.”
For its part, American Dairy Queen Corporation says it does not encourage non-business related messages in stores or displayed on exterior reader board and points out most stores are independently owned.
Dar is reportedly taking down his signs but says he’ll shift to brochures to tell people “where they have gone wrong.”
There are a lot of people truly exercised over all this. I choose to celebrate Liberty and am glad I live in a place where such can be said without threat of arrest – no matter how wrong or insulting.