- DPS DEM Severe Weather Situation Report #22
- Governor Abbott Requests Presidential Disaster Declaration For Texas Counties
- Obama signs disaster declaration for Texas
- Governor Abbott Adds 24 Counties To Disaster Declaration
- FEMA Gives Texans More Time to Assess Flood Damage
- Flood damage in Texas could top $1 billion, some say
- Disaster Recovery Proposal Revived in Flooding Aftermath
- The Texas Drought is ‘Effectively’ Over, But Aquifers Are Slow to Recharge AUDIO
- The Age Of Disinformation – note actual Houston flood dates
- Quiet hurricane season expected
- Live Video of Dallas Flooding VIDEO
- Mayor of Wharton calls for mandatory evacuation due to flooding by 5:30pm today
- Sandbags started from grassroots effort in Iowa Park
- Revised Wichita River Crest Above 20 Feet
- Storm brings more flooding, stranded vehicles to Wichita Falls
- Wichita County Judge Sends Letter to Gov. Abbott
- Blanco River Flood Water Crashes Into Home VIDEO
- North Texas could be in for more rain
- Lake Daniel area could see flooding
- Eastland County Declared ‘State of Disaster’ Following Flooding
- Lake Leon Evacuees Take Refuge at Local Campground After Being Displaced VIDEO
- Hale County Floods, Drivers Take Shelter At Rest Stops VIDEO
- Anheuser-Busch Stops Making Beer, Starts Canning Water for Texas Flood Victims
- Lubbock inches closer to monthly rainfall record (1941); other area precipitation totals
- Lubbock drivers come together to help strangers caught in flood VIDEO
- Lubbock hospitals, bank, other businesses among those affected by flooding VIDEO
- Shallowater residents see major flood damage VIDEO
- Shallowater Flooding, 75 Homes With Significant Water VIDEO
- 8th Houston flood victim ID’d as storms continue to pound Texas
- Temple man found dead as floodwaters recede
- Two adult male bodies recovered Thursday in Blanco and Hays counties
- TV station: Boy’s body identified
- Missing Corpus Christi man Ralph Carey found dead, family says
- Relatives of families swept away in Texas flood vow to keep searching
- Austin: Rain continues, flood threats diminish. 18,000 were without power overnight
- Disaster declaration for Cherokee County
- Copper thieves hit Henderson after tornado – utter scum
- Texas State University, apartments experience damage after Central Texas floods
- Hays County commissioners hold emergency meeting
- Photos: Aerial scenes of Dallas flooding
- Pond in front, sea of cars behind, nothing to do but wait on Loop 12 in Dallas
- Rising creek drives residents from Grand Prairie apartments early Friday
- Rising Trinity River begins to impact businesses south of downtown Dallas
- 2 men found dead as deluge floods homes, catches drivers off guard
Texas flooding, tornado & other weather news 5/29/2015
May 29, 2015 by Leave a Comment
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