Anti-Wimp: Gun-Toting Grandma Stops Would-Be Assailant

Fort Worth: “I seen the gun laying there. And I figured that would work better than the knife,” Turner said. “I just reached down, got the gun and turned around and pointed it to his face. And I told him, I said, ‘You back off, or I’ll blow your head off.’ And his eyes got big and he just backed up and he took off walking down the street like nothing happened.”

“It’s the most devastating thing you’ll ever have in your life. It scares you to death,” Turner said, still scared about her brush with danger. “I don’t want to go through that ever again. And I don’t want nobody else to go through it.”

Read more here.

image: Heart of Texas Guns

Heart of Texas Guns: Abilene’s official Anti-Wimp & 2nd Amendment HQ!

image: LSG Tactical Arms 2650 34th Street

LSG Tactical Arms: Lubbock’s official Anti-Wimp & 2nd Amendment HQ!

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