When I took to the airwaves with Pratt on Texas my paramount reminder to all was, and is, this: Liberty is hard; it means putting up with much you find objectionable.
Intelligent, thinking people understand the idea that to preserve Liberty for yourself you must accept that others will engage in much you may find offensive. Those who want to use the power of politics, of government, to stop others from engaging in things which they find objectionable but which do not clearly and directly harm them in real terms are, in general, enemies of Liberty. [This is not an absolute, there are legitimate arguments related to the good of an entire society.]
Poster: AFDI’s Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest set for Garland in May of 2015.
The center was host of a “Stand with the Prophet” rally in January to which many people took offense (people are very willing to take offense these days) and many of those didn’t want the school district to allow the event on its property. Will the same folk object to AFDI’s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest? Likely not, it will be a whole other group of people objecting.
…those who threw a fit about the Muslim event being held at the facility were not being supportive of Liberty and the same is true of those who will seek to stop this draw Muhammad event.
My take on it all is this: One, it’s simply rude and unnecessary to gratuitously mock the deeply held religious beliefs of others. Criticism is fine but an event of public mockery does little to advance a legitimate cause. Two, those who threw a fit about the Muslim event being held at the facility were not being supportive of Liberty and the same is true of those who will seek to stop this draw Muhammad event.
I wasn’t offended by Muslims wanting to “Stand with the Prophet” largely because I don’t accept the “prophet” status of their religion’s founder rendering the event meaningless to me and, because I support religious and other Liberty.
Liberty is hard and Muslims who support religious Liberty in this country would do well to demonstrate such by ignoring AFDI’s purposely provocative art contest.
Liberty: Muslims should ignore Muhammed drawing contest in Garland.
Robert Pratt
When I took to the airwaves with Pratt on Texas my paramount reminder to all was, and is, this: Liberty is hard; it means putting up with much you find objectionable.
Intelligent, thinking people understand the idea that to preserve Liberty for yourself you must accept that others will engage in much you may find offensive. Those who want to use the power of politics, of government, to stop others from engaging in things which they find objectionable but which do not clearly and directly harm them in real terms are, in general, enemies of Liberty. [This is not an absolute, there are legitimate arguments related to the good of an entire society.]
Poster: AFDI’s Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest set for Garland in May of 2015.
I will admit that I chuckled when I saw the headline this week at Breitbart Texas which read: “$10,000 Muhammad Art and Cartoon Contest to be Held at Site of ‘Stand With the Prophet’ Conference in Texas“. The story tells of how American Freedom Defense Initiative is going to hold a Muhammad drawing contest at Garland ISD’s Curtis Culwell Center in May.
The center was host of a “Stand with the Prophet” rally in January to which many people took offense (people are very willing to take offense these days) and many of those didn’t want the school district to allow the event on its property. Will the same folk object to AFDI’s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest? Likely not, it will be a whole other group of people objecting.
…those who threw a fit about the Muslim event being held at the facility were not being supportive of Liberty and the same is true of those who will seek to stop this draw Muhammad event.
My take on it all is this: One, it’s simply rude and unnecessary to gratuitously mock the deeply held religious beliefs of others. Criticism is fine but an event of public mockery does little to advance a legitimate cause. Two, those who threw a fit about the Muslim event being held at the facility were not being supportive of Liberty and the same is true of those who will seek to stop this draw Muhammad event.
I wasn’t offended by Muslims wanting to “Stand with the Prophet” largely because I don’t accept the “prophet” status of their religion’s founder rendering the event meaningless to me and, because I support religious and other Liberty.
Liberty is hard and Muslims who support religious Liberty in this country would do well to demonstrate such by ignoring AFDI’s purposely provocative art contest.