Political and other Texas news for 10/21/2014

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  1. “Russel Johnson, a water rights attorney…”

    “…a water rights attorney”? Pardon me, but water can not have “rights”. Isn’t Mr Johnson really a water thief? After reading the quotes from Johnson, I would say that he is most interested in eliminating individual property rights.

    The state of Texas, nor any “Water Dist” has the right to regulate or otherwise control my usage of my underground water.

    Johnson’s “race to the bottom” remark is blatant fear-mongering. Water usage in the Ogalalla Aquifer region of Texas has created a 70 year economic boom in the Panhandle-South Plains. Without the thriving agricultural economy of the past, neither Lubbock or Amarillo would be half as prosperous as they at present.

    Heavy-handed, illegal water usage regulation by tyrannical bureaucrats will only hasten the demise of irrigated agriculture in our region.

    The majority of Texan’s rights are only safe if each individual Texan’s rights are honored and kept safe. IMO limiting my water usage in any form or by any scheme is illegal. The new regulation limiting the practice of double-cropping will not withstand challenge.

    Landowner-farmers have a right to produce whatever crops they deem necessary to be able to make their land payments, pay their county taxes and support their families. Handcuffing them with the “one crop” rule borders on fascism.

    If the general public, via the state’s authority proposed controlling any other type of business in ways that would cap their income “for the greater good”, claiming authority to enforce overbearing regulations with threats of bankrupting fines, Texas business would be up in arms.

    Be sure to take notice of the portion of your real estate tax statement that goes to HPWD. i hear they will be raising their appropriation to cover possible legal bills resulting from challenges to their authority by WE the People of Texas.

    Ironic, isn’t it – that we wind up paying both teams of lawyers to protect our Texas property rights? At present, supporting PWRC is our best option.

  2. Thank you Robert, for the time you generously devoted to the property rights issue relating to water regulation on Tuesday’s radio program.

    The Niemoller quote applies here;

    First they came for the Socialist, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionist, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist…

    Then they came for me— and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Non ag property owners in Texas had better wake up. City dwellers are accustomed to a certain level of regulation and permitting, thus may tend to be complacent on the issue of illegal, uncompensated water usage restriction.

    Every incremental right we fail to protect with our very lives, takes us one step closer to tyranny.

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