Robert Pratt
Mexican border issues may have dropped off the lead-story set in most media but the crisis of both crime and illegal immigration has not abated.
A Texas DPS report contained this paragraph: “Mexican cartels are the most significant organized crime threat to Texas, with seven of the eight cartels operating command and control networks in the state, moving drugs and people into the United States, and transporting cash, weapons and stolen vehicles back to Mexico.”
These criminal organizations are known as The Juarez Cartel; La Familia Michoacana; Sinaloa Federation; Beltran Leyva group; Zetas, and Knights Templar. These groups are not only running drugs and weapons and laundering money in Texas, they have been buying off elected officials and police officers.
The direct and indirect costs of organized crime to the people of Texas is hard to measure but we know that it is very high. All pay higher taxes for the jail and prisons space this crime requires; we all pay more for the extra police and judicial staffing such requires, and; we pay in higher costs of insurance, rents and everything else for which prices rise to absorb the cost of crime-related losses.
The poorest among us pay by far the highest costs for crime as such most directly affects their neighborhoods and yet Democrats, who never stop claiming to be the advocates of the poor, don’t seem very supportive of implementing real border controls which would significantly lessen the ability of these crime syndicates from conducting their mayhem in Texas.That alone is a good reason not to give any Democrat your vote in November.
See this: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Texas/2014/10/08/Mexican-Authorities-Find-First-Ever-Cartel-Weapons-Factory
Robert: this is correct as far as I know. Even veteran active police officers may be surprised at how much drug and ‘white slavery’ operations cost the taxpayer. Unfortunately, even elected and appointed officials, who are charged with the enforcement of laws, can sometimes be bought off due to their intemperate use of their honestly earned money.