Robert Pratt
The Texas Tribune reports that “If elected governor, state Sen. Wendy Davis would consider using “executive action” to expand the state’s Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act in the face of likely opposition from a Republican-dominated state Legislature…”
“There’s some indication that an executive action can achieve this,” Davis told Tribune Editor-in-Chief Evan Smith at the media outlet’s political geek-fest in Austin. “Sometimes you have to do hard things when they’re the right things.”
Wendy Davis proves what many of us already know, that she would govern Texas in the lawless-fashion of Obama. It also demonstrates that it’s not just Obama but Democrats across the country who believe the Rule of Law unimportant as long as what it is they want to do is seen by them, or their backers, as the right thing. This is nothing more than the age-old end-justifies-the-means argument of those who reject the limitations on government officials set forth in constitutions and law.
Wendy Davis proves what many of us already know, that she would govern Texas in the lawless-fashion of Obama.
If one understands the history of progressives and the Democratic Party, it is not surprising that leaders within the movement believe the law to simply be a worthless hurdle to jump in enacting a Leftist-agenda. However, it has been rare for those who must face election to brazenly admit how un-democratic (little “d”) they are and how fond of dictator-like power they are.
Wendy Davis saying she would use executive action to expand Obamacare in Texas when only the Legislature has the authority to spend more on Medicaid, should help Texans to understand that the Democratic Party is openly hostile to limitations on the power of government officials to take our Liberty, property or anything else they may deem to be good and right.
She may one day earn the title of Impeached Barbie.