Robert Pratt
Congratulations go out to some embittered defeated candidate supporters who have just discovered, after many years, that people who share similar values also often share similar opinions. What a discovery these folk have made!
But wait, there’s more.
These same people have uncovered something else about yours truly and Pratt on Texas that they must have believed to have been a secret: To promote Pratt on Texas to a larger statewide audience, I occasionally publish opinion columns in other media outlets. Apparently these geniuses were unaware until the last few days that I often submit commentary pieces to the Empower Texans website.
I wonder how surprised they’ll be when they find out that Texans for Fiscal Responsibility was the second advertiser to sign-up for a segment sponsorship on Pratt on Texas back when we became a multi-station network. The fact that Empower Texans is listed on my website as a network sponsor, and that I introduce them as a segment sponsor everyday on the program, was evidently not obvious to their Internet-troll minds.
I’m worried next that they’ll find out that my opinion columns are also published in newspapers! What will these thought police think of that?
Who would have thought that those who share similar values might share similar opinions!
In all seriousness, I appreciate them trolling about me online – it is good for business and further promotes Pratt on Texas. I’m just a little worried for their mental health given that it seems controversial to them that a conservative opinion writer’s product would appear at the publishing outlets of other conservatives.
Who would have thought that those who share similar values might share similar opinions!
too funny!! however, it is a tragic commentary on how badly the self appointed thought police want to stop people from thinking anything but the thoughts they are fed by the “approved”.