The Senate District 28 race has played out long enough now for me to tell you with certainty that one candidate is playing us, telling each audience what he thinks it wants to hear.

Jodey Arrington
Speaking on KFYO’s Chad Hasty Show, Jodey Arrington made much about his support of groundwater rights saying “I think the water rights of those who own the property are theirs” and that if the state violates the rule of capture it is a taking. But on his campaign mailer, of the same week, he says something starkly different, there he writes only that he opposes “unnecessary restrictions.”
The KFYO interview has him saying “private property rights” are “quintessential for Texans” and in his mailer he’s OK with restrictions on the use of one’s property if others deem such as “necessary.” (Not surprisingly he doesn’t define what a “necessary restriction” is or who determines such over your private property.)
Friend Wade Wilkes who owns radio station AM580 confirmed this by telling me in an email, after having interviewed Arrington, that he “waffles on water rights.”
Also on Wilkes’ station Arrington told a caller that he supported passing a bill that would let locals vote to raise the sales tax by 12%!
Even Senator Duncan had the good sense to understand that this Chamber of Commerce proposed idea is a direct path to a local tax increase which would provide a huge slush-fund for local politicians to fund what their voters won’t approve in bond elections.
…Arrington told a caller that he supported passing a bill that would let locals vote to raise the sales tax by 12%!
So Arrington supports making local tax increases easier but on his mailer says he’s for keeping taxes low. He writes under that “low taxes” headline that he opposes an income tax. So do most Texans and no one is seriously proposing such at present – it’s a red herring.
It’s no surprise to me why regular Democrat voters in my neighborhood have Arrington yard signs up, he seems to be tailoring his positions to whomever he is talking .
Slick TV ads and slick talk. It’s about right for someone who has been on a fat government payroll his entire adult life.
I think it’s typical Pratt spin. I never voted Democrat in my life and I have his sign up in my yard and I have put a lot of them out, but not for any Democrats. You need to try and get your nose out of Perry’s ass and come up for some air. Give Jodey a chance. He would be great for Texas Tech, and the constituency of SD 28. You’ve taken the spirit of what Jodey was trying to convey and turned it completely around on him. This has shed some new light on your show and you as a person.
Spin? Look around Tech Terrace, the signs in are in the yards of folk who usually have Democrat signs up in November, year after year. Some are right along-side the silly lefty “Save the Goldbold” signs. Why should we “give Jodey a chance”? What’s he done to earn our support? We know that Charles Perry is conservative after two terms in the House. Arrington wouldn’t even commit to opposing a raise of the gasoline tax or vehicle registration tax when on my show? And I’m supposed to give such a chance? Sorry, I can’t afford it.
As to your vulgarity about Perry’s body part – I left it in just to demonstrate clearly your base thinking.
Today, Jodey sends me a flyer saying he’s all for securing the border. With a photo of him and W. Yeah, that guy really did a whole lot to “close the border.” And same guy that oversaw an explosion in federal spending and gifted us the TSA?
Some endorsement.
If Jodey is the candidate of choice for the people who had Barack Obaaama signs in their yards a mere 2 years ago–that tells you all you need to know about him: He’s a liberal through-and-through.
Every single person I’ve heard supporting Arrington keeps going straight to personal attacks. The only defense of Arrington’s positions are to examine his intentions rather than his statements and to focus on the word “local” rather than the phrase “tax increase”. Whereas Perry has a demonstrable record of mostly good votes with some bad. I don’t have to figure out what his intentions were, and for the most part I don’t have to parse his statements to figure out which words to defend.
In other words, I have a reason to vote for Perry; and all Arrington or his supporters have shown me as that they don’t like people who would vote for Perry. Well, excuse me for not being impressed with you clique. I’ll stick with issues.
Right on Robert, royaloil and Ben. We have had enough of the Bush status quo.
I have listened to Arrington interviews on four different occasions. The man is unable to start or complete a sentence without name-dropping Bush or Hance.
And, without the government pay Arrington has drawn, he will not have a clue what it takes for the average family to survive.
No thank you Mr. Arrington. I will vote for Mr. Perry. He not only knows what it takes a family of four or a single of one to earn to pay their monthly bills but he doesn’t name-drop with every statement.
Arrington thinks my privately owned water is a shared resource. Wonder what resource he would like to share. His home, car, or bank account!!! Arrington has nothing to offer but more of Robert Duncan’s liberal crap!!! He’s a Duncan clone!!!!