via press release

Sondra Ziegler
With only 7 days left before the statutory deadline for the seven Republican County Chairmen of District 83 to select a replacement for Charles Perry on the ballot as the Republican Nominee, candidate Sondra Ziegler unveiled her platform today at The Lubbock Boxing Club. Her message to the group was clear: “After listening to people of District 83, it’s clear that they are concerned that government is getting bigger, and the sphere of freedom is getting smaller. The free market, private property and local governments are under attack from the state and federal level. What I hear is that this district wants to send a fighter for freedom to Austin. If any district in Texas can send a fighter, it ought to be this one. That’s what I’m signing up for, but I need your vote.”
Ziegler talked about her “to do list” of legislative priorities, which included making a sustained effort to secure the border, pushing back against state and federal regulations that threaten our ag and oil production and encroach on private property and water rights, and having the courage to reform Medicaid.
“I’m pro-God, pro-gun, pro-life, liberty property,” Ziegler said. “We need a representative who is willing to build coalitions, challenge the status quo, question the terms of the debate, and go against the good-old-boys club, if that’s what it takes to move the ball on these very important issues for District 83 and West Texas.”
Ziegler went on to say that the fight is not just in Austin. “I am passionate about preaching the blessings of liberty. I believe we have a two-front battle. It’s legislative in Austin, but it’s also a battle for hearts and minds in the public discourse. We have to find creative ways to engage in that battle and win a new generation of Texas to the cause of liberty. If we don’t win that battle, there will come a day when liberty can’t win in Austin,” Ziegler said.
There will not be a public vote to determine who the Republican nominee will be. Since Charles Perry won the Republican spot on the ballot and then removed his name to run for the unexpired term of State Senator Bob Duncan, state law calls for the Republican Party to select Perry’s replacement by August 25th.
Sondra Ziegler is executive director of the elder law firm, Nathan Ziegler & Associates in Lubbock. She formerly served as West Texas Regional Director to U.S. Senator Phil Gramm in a 72-county area of the state. She has volunteered on the ground to help get out the vote in other states for the Republican ticket in 2004, 2008, 2010, and 2012. There are six candidates in the race vying to be the selection of the committee.
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