Godless religion from those who object to religion

Robert Pratt photo Copyright Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt

Writing about the progressive-Left and their journal Dissent in National Review, our friend Kevin Williamson has this excellent paragraph which rather well describes the philosophy of the Left:

“Dissent is one of the Left’s better journals — possibly its best, given The New Republic’s melancholy, long withdrawal into intellectual incoherence and The Nation’s metamorphosis into a lifestyle magazine for aging Champagne radicals whose primary interest is the pleasure of self-regard. Dissent is refreshing in that it shows the occasional sign of genuine intellectual interest in the Right’s ideas and in that it has resisted the pressure to disguise its ideological commitments as Ezra Klein–style pseudo-pragmatism. Rather, it forthrightly makes the case for a command-and-control economy and a totalitarian politics. (Its editors certainly would object to this characterization.) Dissent’s contributors have not yet got their heads around the idea that it is impossible to have a government that is simultaneously totalitarian and humane; if they had, they would not be part of the Left, which remains corporately committed to the principle that an effectively unlimited public sector can be put to excellent use so long as its masters have the right sort of moral cultivation. Conservatives, so often put off by the Left’s habit of deputizing its members as thought police, often fail to appreciate the real roots of that crusading inclination: It is not only that they wish to suppress their political rivals and nonconforming ideas, but that they believe it is necessary to establish, by whatever Pavlovian means are necessary, deeply ingrained habits of thought and speech that prevent the emergence of heresy among their own, in order that they may be entrusted with the awesome power that the Left’s politics would deliver unto them.”

Command and control by those elusive wise men among us and the personal tyranny of thought control lest one notice that in practice it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

It’s all you really need to know about the Left: Command and control by those elusive wise men among us and the personal tyranny of thought control lest one notice that in practice it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It is all hopelessly self-contradictory but most importantly Leftist philosophy is hostile to individualism and Liberty. It is oppressive Godless religion from those who object to religion.

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