Rep. Charles Perry
via press release
August 4, 2014
Austin, Texas- Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) officially endorsed Rep. Charles Perry for State Senate District 28.
“As a Texas Tech Alumni, I have a deep felt affinity for West Texas,” said State Chairman, Jeff Morris. “Rep. Charles Perry has a strong conservative record and has always had an open door policy with YCT, listening to our issues and championing many of our priorities.”
Rep. Charles Perry was first elected to the Texas House in 2010 when he defeated 22 year incumbent Delwin Jones, who has also announced for this seat. He has since fought off the establishment in two subsequent elections, culminating with a 75-25 defeat of Steve Massengale this past March.
“Texas needs a Senator that is willing to work with future Lt. Governor Patrick, not against him,” said Executive Director, Jenna White. “We are confident Rep. Perry’s track record in the House and working relationship with Patrick will make him both an effective Senator for his region and the conservative movement as a whole.”
Perry was well known in the Texas House as a fiscal hawk, authoring legislation to put into place zero-based budgeting for state funded agencies and limit state spending to population growth plus inflation. He additionally authored several amendments to protect our state’s savings account, the Rainey Day Fund.
Representative Perry said the following about his endorsement: “The youth are our future and it is always encouraging to see them get involved in the political process. YCT has played an invaluable role in my campaigns over the years and individual members have already contributed many hours to helping out on my Senate race this summer. I look forward to working closely with YCT during the next Legislative Session as the Senator for SD 28.”
Young Conservatives of Texas is a non-partisan organization that has promoted conservatism at universities across the Lone Star State for over three decades. The State’s most active political youth organization, YCT is composed of hundreds of members and alumni who participate in the full spectrum of politics. YCT issues the most respected ratings of the Texas legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the past 20 legislative sessions. For more information about YCT, please visit www.YCT.org.
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