- Davis Presses Attack on Abbott Over Chemical Plant Ruling
- New Abbott ad being shown in Texas movie theaters VIDEO
- Editorial: Davis errs on arm-chair political analysis
- Pratt: Davis not Texas Dem’s star candidate? AUDIO
- PolitiFact: Davis takes small liberty with Abbott’s legal record
- Democratic rival singles out Patrick’s lone-wolf vote
- Patrick campaign says he’s raised nearly $8 million
- SD28: Sweetwater Mayor Greg Wortham Resigns, Plans To Run For Texas Senate Seat
- Analysis: Not Bad, for a Lame Duck (Rick Perry)
- Perry to Obama on the border: ‘Be a leader, make a difference’
- ‘McLaughlin Group’: Rick Perry’s Handling of Border Crisis Bolsters 2016 Chances VIDEO
- Rick Perry, Rand Paul launch foreign policy war of words
- Paul to Perry: New glasses not working
- Chris Cillizza: GOP likely to retake U.S. Senate, and other assessments of the political landscape
- At some political risk, Dallas County judge sticks by Obama
- Paul Stekler turns his lens to the 2014 Texas political campaign
- Former House member, longtime lobbyist Phil Cates passed away on Sunday
- ————-Texas-News-In-DC—————-
- Hinojosa criticizes Cuellar over stance on child refugees
- U.S. Rep. Hinojosa to meet with Obama to discuss refugees
- Cornyn, Cuellar Offer HUMANE Act to Solve Border Crisis
- Neugebauer Talks About U.S.-Mexico Border AUDIO
- Neugebauer Supports Bill to Provide Tax Certainty for Job Creators
- Former Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison says more time needed to evaluate Sen. Ted Cruz VIDEO – she continues to demonstrate that she left the Texas GOP for the DC establishment within months of arriving in Washington.
- Rep. Joaquin Castro: Border Crisis “Raises The Question of Who We Consider a Refugee” VIDEO
- —————————————————-
- Keep your eye on local taxes, too
- Surplus of hindsight – TRS-Care
- Texas GOP Adds School Choice to Platform, Some Lawmakers Resistant – Yes, the Straus crowd!
- Texas Sales Tax Holiday is Aug. 8 to 10
- Feds: Texas lawmakers drew electoral maps with intent to discriminate
- Texas redistricting fight back in court
- West Texas takes center stage during hearing in redistricting battle hearing, Hispanic districts proposed
- Are voter ID laws a solution or a problem? A Texas court takes up the question
- Court revives suit over Confederate flag license plate dispute
- Rural/Urban Resources / July 2014 newsletter (water rights)
- Water District Public Hearings Before New Rules on Groundwater – what gives the district the authority to pass rules which regulate the use of private property?
- Water Planners Focus on Bigger Texas, Not a Hotter One
- State Board of Education to meet July 15-18
- Gov. Perry Appoints 12 to Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities
- Training for first school marshals who will carry concealed handguns begins today
- Climate Scientists: Texas is Missing an Opportunity
- Women Want State’s Help in Pelvic Mesh Fight – they need to pursue their claims in court like others.
- Breitbart Texas Hires McAllen Monitor’s Ildefonso Ortiz, Announces Aggressive Border Coverage Expansion
- Duke Realty building Coppell industrial project
- FirstBank & Trust Acquires Texas Savings Bank in Snyder
- Austin’s rising cost of housing among top concerns
- Eyes are on Mexico’s untapped energy potential
- F-35 partners will tackle affordability
- Xcel spends $107M in Plainview-area improvements
- Shrimping season opens in the Gulf of Mexico with gloomy predictions
- Answers on link between injection wells and quakes
- 13th Court of Appeals Judge Nora Longoria (Democrat) arrested on DWI charge
- Former Volunteer Firefighter Guilty of Arson Finally in State Prison
- Hundreds march to honor fallen 21-year Houston FD veteran
- Temple Police Officer, Two Others Hurt In Morning Accident
- Cable Park Owner, 2 Others, Charged In Melee Freed On Bond
- Facebook threats on Splendora youth prompt warnings
- Free Press Houston editor claims brush with Houston PD
- Man Shot To Death At Hotel On San Antonio River Walk
- San Antonio driver killed in road rage incident; passenger OK
- Houston Baptist quarterback carjacked, shot
- Mother, child killed in crash with wrong-way SUV near Anton, investigators say
- Horned lizard here to stay – in West Texas, at least
- Jesse Ventura: ‘American Sniper’ made him SEAL castout
- A Texas Most Wanted Sex Offender Captured in Los Angeles
- DA: Gunman “calmly executed” Bellaire police officer, business owner
- Ennis feral-hog hunter attacks problem by air and on the air
- Burnet man to serve at least 25 years after pleading guilty to killing grandfather
- Round Rock jogger fights off man trying to sexually assault her – jog armed as did Gov. Perry.
- No Boys Allowed: ‘Come and Take It’ Holds Ladies Open Carry Walk
- Haltom City babysitter gets 12 years in prison in child’s death
- Meteor spotted in parts of North Texas
- Dallas Confirms First West Nile Positive Test
- George W. Bush Undergoes Second Knee Surgery in Chicago
- Newborn baby found in dumpster in Dalhart, taken to hospital
- Police say Houston’s serial pooper could be back
Political and other Texas news for 7/14/2014
July 14, 2014 by Leave a Comment
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