- Abbott: Balancing right to know and public safety
- Abbott equates supporting release of chemical data with aiding terrorists
- Davis attacks Abbott’s chemical storage decision at Waco campaign stop
- Abbott hits Washington for fundraiser, draws small 4-person protest
- SD28: Jodey Arrington announces run for Texas Senate, more
- Liberal Paul Burka laments loss of non-conservative Duncan from the Senate
- Good legislators need grassroots activists
- On Obama visit, Texas Democrats steer clear
- Rick Perry grabs the mic on border crisis
- CNN contributor calls Gov. Perry’s brain “slim pickings” VIDEO
- Sessions and Jackson Lee see a convention in Dallas’ future despite loss to Cleveland
- Jeffers: Texas GOP’s hard-right turn could have hurt Dallas’ 2016 convention bid – So Democrats are a reliable source about Texas Republicans? Silly. Dallas lost because of 1) Party leaders have worked for over a year on moving the convention to June and Big-D had hotel and venue problems with June, and; 2) Ohio is a major swing state while Texas is not.
- Why Cleveland Works for the Republicans | National Review Online
- UT student to introduce President Obama before Paramount speech
- Untamed Cruz refuses to play nice with GOP campaign arm
- ————-Texas-News-In-DC—————-
- Sen. Cruz Files Amendments to Sportsmen’s Act Legislation
- Sen. Cruz: This is a crisis of the President’s own making VIDEO
- Cruz Sends Obama Map With Directions From Fundraisers To Border Towns
- Cruz Slams Obama for Collecting Checks from ‘Democratic Fat Cats’ Instead of Visiting Border
- Cornyn and Cruz tag team on Senate floor about Obama’s Texas trip
- Cruz on Border Crisis: ‘Amnesty Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes’
- Rep. Cuellar (D-Texas): ‘Floored Me’ to See Obama Shoot Pool Rather than Visit Border VIDEO
- Dem. Rep. Cuellar: WH Called Me For Speaking Out against President
- Cuellar trades heat with White House; Obama has time for billiards but not border?
- Cornyn: Dallas is Not on the Border Mr. President
- Cornyn: President is “Tone Deaf” VIDEO
- Cornyn calls Obama “amazingly stubborn” on border, sees little value in Dallas “lecture” session
- Neugebauer Statement Following Tour of Immigration Detention Facility at Lackland
- Health Insurance for Congress and Staff: It’s Complicated
- House passes chemical facility security bill
- Gohmert Is Tired of Dems Claiming to Be ‘Compassionate’ Party
- —————————————————-
- In Perry meeting Obama puts responsibility for his border crisis on Congress!
- Abbott equates supporting release of chemical data with aiding terrorists
- Why Every Journalist Should Care About the Michael Quinn Sullivan Case
- Barba: Public Means Open to Everyone, Not Just State-Run Schools
- DPS Inspects 8,700 Commercial Vehicles During Roadcheck
- TML pushing to expand hotel occupancy tax to beyond hotels and motels
- Lawmakers pitch change to state business tax
- Texas Work Safety Hotline Upgraded
- Some Worry Traffic Issues Will Stem Texas’ Growth – yes but they opposed the Trans Texas Corridor and other solutions. Local areas have big tax bases and they should fund their freeways, etc.
- BP Wants Unspent Spill Recovery Money Back
- Texas lawmaker: Pay attention to the UT law school favoritism – see higher ed. section for more
- Feds force homosexual “marriage” on states through lending rules
- $20 million federal grant proposal seeks to curb farm irrigation – you must pay if you take property rights.
- Texas sales tax collection up 3.7% over same period in 2013 – July report
- Top 20 City Sales and Use Tax Comparison Summary – July 2014
- Texas helps drive new record for oil drilling rigs
- Obama’s Wrong; The Economy Is Improving Because Of Congressional Deadlock
- Three Austin VC firms raise money in the second quarter
- Irving economic development exec heading to Frisco
- June heats up with record North Texas home sales, prices
- Novartis to build $35M data center at Alcon campus
- American breaks ground on new operations center
- American Airlines dumps remaining fuel hedge contracts
- Investors buy up troubled golf courses, shoot for profitability
- Posh Houston hotel, the Houstonian, explains 6-month credit card security breach, more
- FAA approves SpaceX application to launch rockets from Cameron County beach
- Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich signs multi-year contract extension
- Big game hunters preserving species
- Rio Hondo city commissioner accused of domestic violence
- Lance Armstrong in Purgatory: The After-Life
- Texas Man Charged In Brutal Death Of Girlfriend’s Toddler
- Driver loses control, lands van in bayou near downtown Houston
- Off-duty Harris Co. deputy constable fatally shoots man during scuffle at apartment complex
- San Marcos to have first homosexual Pride celebration this fall – why must this be celebrated?
- Lifeguard accused of molesting two girls taking swimming lessons
- Police-Involved Shooting in Cedar Hill After Man Sets Himself on Fire
- 3 Cedar Hill cops burned, suspect shot in confrontation
- Firefighter injured in Kingwood house fire
- Former Texas Longhorns coach Mack Brown to be ESPN college football analyst
- Arlington police arrest mother, 17, in death of toddler
Political and other Texas news for 7/9/2014
July 9, 2014 by Leave a Comment
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