- In New Ad, Abbott Highlights GOP Convention Speech, his “Blueprint for Texas”
- Wendy Davis backs ban on reparative therapy; Greg Abbott dodges questions about Texas GOP plank – what business is it of government to decide what therapy a person can choose to receive.
- Van de Putte, affirming Texas-Mexico trade ties, draws on outdated figure
- Analysis: For Democrats, a Long Game and a Short One
- Burka on Rick Perry on homosexuality
- Chris Christie says gay-alcoholism comparison by Perry is wrong
- UT/TT Poll: Texas Voters Frowning at Washington
- In Texas Energy Report: Texas GOP says climate change cause ‘not conclusive’
- A Muslim reporter’s icy welcome from Texas GOP: ‘Where are you from?’ – Don’t want people to be suspicious of you or look at you oddly? Don’t dress like a thug, in burka or in any number of ways which make you stand out. You can’t change human nature. Have you ever watched NRP-type libs recoil at a high pickup with the stars and bars on it?
- GOP site selection team gets elephant’s-eye view of Dallas
- ————-Texas-News-In-DC—————-
- Sessions drops bid for majority leader, more
- Cornyn Statement Following the President’s Remarks on Iraq
- Rep. Randy Neugebauer and Rep. Roger Williams announce 2014 Congressional Baseball Challenge
- Stockman concerned with surge of children illegally dumped over US border in response to Obama amnesty call
- Sen. Cruz: President Obama Should Act Now to Defend Religious Liberty and Save Meriam Ibrahim
- Cuellar to speak with unaccompanied minors detained by Border Patrol
- Thornberry, Conaway criticize swap
- IRS Says it Lost 2 Years of Lerner E-mails
- Vela’s chat with SpaceX head Elon Musk fuels optimism
- Julian Castro HUD secretary hearings to begin Tuesday
- —————————————————-
- Latino groups aim to restore Federal Voting Rights Act over Texas
- TDI Division of Workers’ Compensation Recent Enforcement Actions
- DPS Honors Outstanding Employees, Texans
- Texas Government Insider weekly edition
- Gov. Perry Appoints Rummel as Judge of 144th Criminal District Court
- Gov. Perry Appoints McClendon as Judge of 258th Judicial District Court
- Gov. Perry Appoints Franklin as Judge of 311th Judicial District Court
- Gov. Perry Appoints Trapp as San Jacinto County Criminal District Attorney
- Gov. Perry Appoints Steen to Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
- Texas leaders propose VA fixes on medical care
- Zaffirini crony slaps at Watchdog over UT clout scandal stories
- Few Foster Care Alumni Receive Higher Ed Benefits
- Laissez-Faire: the Best Economic Development Incentive
- As Perry courts Tesla Motors in California, carmaker announces it has set its patents free
- Texas oil & gas rig count falls by 8
- As apartment boom continues, industry leaders watch for oversupply in Dallas
- Pflugerville firearms tech company raises $29 million
- Firm Proposes Building Private Toll Road Near Dallas
- Retailer Garden Ridge adding to North Texas distribution space
- Vela’s chat with SpaceX head Elon Musk fuels optimism
- Permian Basin continues to gain infrastructure
- Texas Men’s Rights Group Sparks Controversy
- Couple living on Texas beach neglected 4 children
- Pilot, passenger killed in Gulf helicopter crash
- South Freeway reopens after frozen chickens cleaned up in Houston
- Waitress Fired Over Forged Receipt At Waco Restaurant
- Lakeside Vacation Home Goes Up In Flames VIDEO
- RIP: Harris Co. political activist Daniel McCool
- East Texas DPS Trooper recovering from wreck last week out of ICU
- Zambian chief visits friends in Abilene who make mission trips to his country
- Abilene’s Black Rhino Called to Help Repopulate Species
- Sheriff: Escaped Lubbock inmate back in custody
- Three Inmates Mistakenly Freed from Jail: Dallas Police VIDEO
- Suspected Burglar Shot, Killed by Fort Worth Police Friday
- Two former Crowley high school football stars sentenced to prison for murder of teen girl
- Amtrak train collides with 18-wheeler in San Antonio
- Big Bend National Park Fighting Small Fire near Lost Mine Peak
- 3 Baytown brothers arrested in 2004 killing of teens
Political and other Texas news for 6/13/2014
June 13, 2014 by Leave a Comment
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