- Tea Party Groups across Texas Warn of ‘Fake’ Tea Party Mailers
- Dewhurst, Patrick stick to issues in final debate, more
- Dewhurst, Patrick tone down criticism in last scheduled debate
- Dan Patrick, David Dewhurst pull punches in Tuesday debate
- Patrick, Dewhurst Debate Without Animosity of Campaign
- Lt Gov Hopeful Dan Patrick Slams Obama’s Climate Change Arrogance
- Patrick rakes in big dollars; Dewhurst taps own wallet
- Entrepreneurs worried about education bloat, “late train” lobbyists fill Patrick’s coffers – laughable as Patrick has been on the no-bloat side of education. When appointed as chairman of the Public Ed. committee they screamed that he’d cut too much!
- Dewhurst admits he has no control over his campaign
- Dan Patrick and the dark art of the political bombshell VIDEO
- GOP Attorney General candidate Dan Branch visits Abilene, blasts runoff opponent
- Dan Branch calls out opponent in AG race during Abilene visit
- Paxton, Branch Attorney General Brawl Gets Expensive
- Millions in campaign cash flowing in attorney general race, statewide downballot races
- Conservative group gets Ken Paxton’s campaign $1 million loan
- Sid Miller: Why me and not Tommy Merritt for Texas Ag. Commissioner
- Tommy Merritt: Why me and not Sid Miller for Texas Ag. Commissioner
- Rafael Cruz (Ted’s dad) speaks out for Wayne Christian
- Pratt: Many new races head for SD28 and HD83 voters. AUDIO
- HD16: Pastors call for investigation of third-party mailer in race for Conroe House seat
- HD76: Campaign finance reports show nearly $200K gap between Dem candidates
- HD108: Morgan Meyer, Chart Westcott top $2M in Dallas legislative race
- TX36: Jennings backs Ben Streusand in GOP runoff
- Mark Davis: Primary bludgeoning erodes GOP enthusiasm
- New York City based-PAC spending big to help Texas Democrats
- Educrat “Rolling Polling” Scam Exposed
- Eva Longoria’s Democratic Front Group – Latino Victory Project
- Howard Dean Declares Republicans ‘Are Not American’
- Tea Parties: Dead, Mostly Dead or What?
- Grieder thinks Julián Castro to DC is a loss for San Antonio – laughable
- ————-Texas-News-In-DC—————-
- Sen. Cruz: Anyone Who Cares about Rule of Law Should Oppose Barron’s Nomination VIDEO
- Senator Cruz Grills FBI Director Over IRS Targeting Scandal VIDEO
- FBI Director To Cornyn: 2009 Fort Hood Attack Inspired By Al Qaeda
- Cornyn Calls on Senate Democrats to Take Up Legislation Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking
- Senate confirms Cornyn and Cruz pick for appeals court
- Congressman Vela, bishop ask Kerry to aid Mexico
- Neugebauer Praises Passage of Key Water Improvements
- Neugebauer on Current Legislative Proposals to Reform Domestic Insurance Policy
- Dem Congressman: ‘We’ve Proved That Communism Works’, cites El Paso
- Is Texan Jeb Hensarling eyeing run for U.S. House Speaker?
- Rep. Joaquin Castro Asks Congress to Open Military Academies to illegals
- —————————————————-
- Texas Higher Education Scandal: UT Regent Won’t Resign
- House panel settles in to write articles of impeachment on UT regent
- Corruption, rampant cronyism at University of Texas School of Law?
- Don’t expect impeachment vote on UT regent soon
- Statement by Gov. Perry on UT Regent Wallace Hall
- Find out why the state denies some drivers’ personalized license plates VIDEO
- Sunset Review of the Texas Education Agency
- Crescent hires GC to break ground on downtown Houston tower this summer
- Individuals from Iraq Sit Down with Eastland County Oil and Gas Officials
- Virgin Hotels considering downtown, Uptown sites for Dallas location
- Ex-Collin Street Bakery Executive Pleads Guilty In $17 Million Embezzlement
- SpaceX amends complaint against Air Force
- Texas Payday Lenders Charging Even More in Fees – so what? No one forces anyone to take out one of these loans. Leave people alone.
- Drilling and Water Interests Clash on Disposal Wells
- Pair indicted in plot to kill Lubbock County Deputy
- Suniga to be executed for Lubbock murder, victim’s father forgives him
- Cibolo man missing after alleged debt collection attempt
- 3rd man pleads guilty in Texas fake Viagra case
- Several Mission residents indicted in money laundering, drug scheme
- Man, blind son, 14, lose home in Fritch wildfire
- San Antonio teen charged in fire that killed brother, injured father VIDEO
- Alcoa worker in Victoria arrested in $1M fraud case
- Pet squirrel escapes, attacks neighbor in Houston area – it would be a DEAD pet squirrel at my house.
- 79-year-old woman beaten and robbed in home invasion speaks out VIDEO
- Jefferson County sees a number of home invasions VIDEO
- South Texan arrested in pipe bombs investigation
- Sierra Club sues EPA over Dallas air quality
- 32 Texas water suppliers face water shortages
- History of Bernie’s secret: Facts of sexual abuse could have been key to defense
- Texas Fishing Report
- Deputies Kill Woman Armed With Rifle During Domestic Dispute
Political and other Texas news for 5/21/2014
May 21, 2014 by Leave a Comment
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