- Wendy Davis goes coast to coast in search of campaign cash in Texas governor’s race
- Wendy Davis favoring teachers’ unions over students?
- Dan Patrick Announces Creation of Tax Reform Task Force
- Democrat nominee Sam Houston banking on substance, not nostalgia in attorney general race
- Texas Monthly Q&A with Democrat comptroller nominee Mike Collier
- Pratt: Ag. Commissioner runoff includes a joke of a Republican AUDIO
- Sources: Gov. Perry to endorse Sid Miller in Ag Commissioner race
- Sitton Refutes Allegations Made by Wayne Christian AUDIO
- SD2: Sen. Deuell challenges Texas Right to Life over “slanderous” ads – thin skin?
- DFW radio stations stop airing “defamatory” ads from Texas Right to Life in Deuell race
- HD108: Westcott faces Virginia misdemeanor charge for revealing runoff foe’s expunged court records
- TX4A: Tea Party Express backs John Ratcliffe over Rep. Ralph Hall
- ————-Texas-News-In-DC—————-
- Sen. Cruz’s reports on the Obama Administration’s lawlessness AUDIO
- Lamar Smith probes NASA over Russian threat on Space Station
- Cornyn Responds To Shinseki Testimony
- Conservatives prod GOP on immigration
- Thornberry visits Double Diamond fire zones
- —————————————————-
- Texas’ push to halt same-sex divorce case rejected
- Texas politician, Rep. Dan Flynn, rebuts himself with apparently plagiarized letter
- Dan Flynn Says UT Regent Wallace Hall May, or MAY NOT Be Impeached – just how many masters is Flynn serving?
- UT Board Chairman Calls for Regent Hall to Resign– utterly classless.
- Rick Perry asks for back door way into grand jury
- Vacant Juvenile Facility Costing $100,000 Monthly
- Lawsuit Over Road Funding Program Leaves Funds in Limbo
- State Fire Marshal’s Office to issue report on West first responders’ deaths
- Black pastors: Homosexual rights far cry from Civil Rights
- DPS Remembers Fallen Officers at Memorial Service
- DPS Provides Legislative Testimony on Human Trafficking
- River Walk pep rally celebrates San Antonio’s ‘beautiful women’ – nice try but evidence shows that they are trying to prove Charles Barkley right!
- Lubbock Power & Light CFO reports concerns to FBI, more
- 3.1 Magnitude Earthquake This Morning Near Snyder
- Mills: Texas Faces High Stakes Investigation Into Earthquakes
- Commerce official: US output booms while federal lands wilt
- EPA proposes changes to Texas refinery emission rules
- Unintended Consequences: Fracking and the Flow of Drugs – 2nd time this silly drugs to fracking link has been in the media!
- Sriracha CEO Compares California to Communist Vietnam
- Cotton council chairman: Cotton in bigger supply than demand
- Ameriflight will relocate its headquarters to Dallas-Fort Worth from California
- Southwest Airlines CEO talks airline fees | Dallas Morning News
- Recurrent Energy set to build largest Texas solar plant, more
- Texas retail gas prices down 2 cents this week
- Houston dogs attacked 63 postal carriers in 2013
- Nacodoches firefighters association looking into missing funds
- North Texas Woman Saved by Secret Service Agents in D.C. VIDEO
- Study: Medicare Spent $8.5 Billion on Nonessential Procedures in 2009
- Jury Convicts Arlington Doc Described As Egregious Medicare Defrauder
- San Antonio joins fast-food wage protests
Dan Flynn Says UT Regent Wallace Hall May, or MAY NOT Be ImpeachedDan Flynn Says UT Regent Wallace Hall May, or MAY NOT Be ImpeachedDan Flynn Says UT Regent Wallace Hall May, or MAY NOT Be ImpeachedDan Flynn Says UT Regent Wallace Hall May, or MAY NOT Be ImpeachedDan Flynn Says UT Regent Wallace Hall May, or MAY NOT Be Impeached
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