Pratt’s voter recommendations in Abilene, Lubbock & Wichita Falls May 10th races.

Robert Pratt photo Copyright Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt

Local elections are being held across Texas on Saturday, May 10th with early voting underway this week in these municipal and school district races. Here are a few of my observations on races in the Wichita Falls, Abilene and Lubbock-areas.

Wichita Falls ISD is pushing a big bond issue and while school consolidation may make tons of sense, I’d never vote for such unless there was a binding element which ensured that personnel cost savings are actually achieved. Such savings are often touted but rarely seen. But more importantly for taxpayers in the Falls is this question: Are you sure you want to incur such debt, and the taxes which goes with it, at a time when you may also be required to issue massive debt just to have a water supply in the city? If I were voting, I’d wait on the school stuff until the more immediate water issue is handled. It is indeed OK to vote no on a school bond.

In Abilene’s race for mayor, simply put: Archibald has been mayor for long enough and change would likely benefit the Key City.

I hope Lubbock city council District 1 voters will elect Frank Gutierrez.

And I remind voters that Brian Carr, running in District 5, is an avowed left-wing progressive Democrat and has a record of wanting to expand government power to deal with everything he finds objectionable. Karen Gibson is far better than Carr.

I’m not sure what to say in the District 3 race in Lubbock other than that I personally know candidate Deanne Clark to be a strong conservative.

[See: Lubbock’s Stanley & Griffith sound as left-wing Democrats]

And in the one big Lubbock ISD race, I’d say anyone BUT Laura Vinson. I’ll likely vote for Brett Underwood.

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  1. Russell Farmer says

    Wat is you opinion on Cooper and Frenship bonds?

    • Pratt on Texas says

      I’m against debt for new and shiny facilities when the current will work. If a district is truly growing and must have the space then construction is just fine.

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