Robert Pratt
Primary run-offs are still ahead but first we’ve local government elections across Texas.
Have you noticed how many local candidates try and walk a tightrope into office in these non-partisan races? Friends, if an office seeker treats fundamental issues of Liberty, property rights, taxation, and government spending as technical matters needing further study, you’ve not a candidate who instinctively will protect you from government.
Take an interview with Lubbock city council candidate Jeff Griffith for example. The news story summarizing Griffith’s appearance on my affiliate KFYO’s Chad Hasty Show read:
“Griffith also talked about downtown redevelopment, and indicated that he would not be opposed to using taxpayer money for renovations, but he would need to look at the numbers first before he made that decision. Griffith was also asked about a number of other local issues, include a sales tax increase and a smoking ban. But in most cases, Griffith stated that he was neither for or against the measures and said he would need to look at the issue himself.”
I’ve long had respect for Mr. Griffith as a small businessman but what is all of this? You’re running for council Jeff; these issues are already before us and are easy to categorize as more government or less government and protecting or damaging private property rights. What more does you have to look into? Does this mean that if you like an idea it will be OK to blow out the window the basic fundamentals which limit government action in our lives? Why the heck run if you’re so unprepared to make clear to voters your stand on existing, important issues?
This one example is sadly the rule in too many races for school boards and city councils across the state. To the uniformed it sounds good to “look into issues first” but, to those who keep up it’s clearly a dodge of taking a stand on issues already pressing – it is the candidate masking how he’ll truly govern.
Leave the tightrope walking to the circus, we deserve to know where you really stand.
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