Despite the Legislature outlawing speed cameras in Texas for municipalities, camera operator ATS is courting counties as a sort of loophole in the law. (See more stories here.)
Now Lubbock County is dancing around the parlor deciding whether to get in bed with the cameras and their pernicious operators. One would think that the political fall-out over red light cameras in Lubbock would have been enough to pull up the ATS welcome mat at the courthouse. But, with commissioners such as Patti Jones and her assistant Bill McCay in office, there is no predicting the stupidity-level rise in the courthouse – especially if it satisfies their rapacious appetites for more money to spend.
Another irony is that it was a Lubbock state representative, Carl Isett, who passed the bill banning municipal speed cameras in Texas.
And in other law enforcement by camera moves: Virginia Moves To Limit Red Light Camera Cash
If they vote for these cameras, then they need a primary challenger.
If the issue is speeding in a school zone, and the camera company would have gotten 50% of the tickets, why not equip a crossing guard with a radar gun and camera? Pay that money to the guard/school. It would keep the money in Lubbock and keep an actual person at the helm.