- TTUHSC cancer researcher finds ways to combine passions for weapons, movies
- Falling ice during cold weather leads to TTU parking lot closure
- TTU SGA will gather student opinions on texting, driving on campus
- ESPN says Texas Tech has best student section in Big 12
- Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith to Lecture for Texas Tech’s Free Market Institute
- A&M jets to forefront of UAS studies
- A&M physicist named deputy director for science and technology at Brookhaven Lab
- Auto technology initiative gets into gear at Texas Transportation Institute
- Author of “Sex and World Peace” visits UNT to discuss women’s role in state security
- TSU officials preparing for five-year interim progress report
- TCU HallCrews enact new sustainability program for residence halls
Higher Ed. / Colleges & Universities 2/18/2014
February 18, 2014 by Leave a Comment
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