Democrat Van de Putte: GOP playbook is to accuse Democrats of “murdering somebody”

Van de Putte says that Republicans “will accuse me of murdering somebody, that’s usually their playbook, and it’s old and it’s trite…”

In an interview with the Texas Tribune’s Even Smith, state Senator Leticia Van de Putte, running unopposed for the Democrat nomination for Texas Lt. Governor, accused Texas Republicans of having a usual playbook from which they accuse Democrat candidates of “murdering somebody.”

image: Van de Putte

Sen. Leticia Van de Putte

Immediately following this inflammatory claim, Van de Putte then says “or they’ll come against on personal attacks.” Rather ironic isn’t it considering that she, and the video shows no joking demeanor, says that Republicans “will accuse me of murdering somebody, that’s usually their playbook, and it’s old and it’s trite…”

Listen here:

Audio is from the Texas Tribune – original video is here.

Note the Tribune’s Evan Smith dropping all pretense at being an objective journalist too. The original video doesn’t show much to claim this was lighthearted, if such a charge can be, or that the context is any different that what I’ve reported.

Sounds like an over-the-top, nasty personal attack on all Texas Republicans – Van de Putte must have  borrowed that from some GOP playbook she found.

P.S. Note this ironic headline: Van de Putte: GOP lite guv immigration rhetoric “toxic” At least GOP Lt. Gov. candidates didn’t declare that all immigrants operate with a playbook to accuse non-immigrants of murder!

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  1. She’s a little over the top in her accusations, isn’t she?!

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