- Texplainer: Is the AG Required to Defend a State Law? – in short: Yes.
- Texas GOP Lt. Gov. Hopefuls Voice Support For Creationism
- Patterson favors teaching creationism, but not in science class
- Burka on the Lt. Gov. debate in Waco yesterday – note who the liberals (embodied by Burka) like and dislike.
- Dewhurst: Together We Can Keep Texas #1 – video from last night’s debate VIDEO
- Texas Lt. Governor Dewhurst: We Shut Down the Border Ourselves – a bit overstated but the Texas effort did seem to have strong results
- Austin American-Statesman says the earth is warming, calls Smitherman a liar – isn’t it odd how uninformed the informers can be! Any time period, even over hundreds of years is “cherry-picked” as environmental time is millions of years! More on PolitiFact idiocy
- Hilderbran vows to bring back comptroller’s efficiency drives
- Kevin Patrick Yeary, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4 candidate on Pratt on Texas AUDIO
- Why a Stockman Challenge Is Good For Cornyn
- Stockman steps forward as Republicans step back
- Stockman, Cornyn Race May Be Tea Party Test
- John Cornyn not worried about surprise challenge from Steve Stockman
- Texas GOP establishment vs conservatives
- Rep. Charlie Geren’s Pet Pig
- Texas Libs claim the Texas Republican Party endorses South African apartheid
- —————-Texas-News-In-DC—————-
- Neugebauer not in favor of budget agreement
- West Texas representatives split on successful U.S. House vote for budget deal
- Texas Republicans split on House budget deal; Sessions challenger Pierson slams yes votes
- Stockman’s letter to conservatives opposing the budget proposal
- Neugebauer Praises Defense Bill and Continued B-1 Support
- FHA Report Highlights Need for PATH Act
- Budget deal demands decrease in military pensions
- Thornberry support budget deal, claims it spares military
- Senate passes bill to aid commercial space launches
- Texas lawmakers introduce bill to prevent nuclear weapons in Iran
- ———————————————————
- Court grants lawyer’s request to search for more racist emails at Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
- True the Vote appeals decision not to let it into Texas voter ID case
- Travis County voters surprised that new ID cards contain old names – yep, they chose not to fix them using the affidavits on election day. Why would you think a bunch of Austin Democrats would make this choice?
- Texplainer: Is the AG Required to Defend a State Law? – in short: Yes.
- Texas Government Insider weekly edition
- If the Sun Salutation Has to Fit Into a Cell
- Gov. Perry Requests Presidential Disaster Declaration for Central Texas Flood Damage
- Gov. Perry Appoints Five to Red River Boundary Commission
- Rep. Phil King on Travis DA Rosemary Lehmberg: “I still think she should resign.”
- Claims Drop Under State-Run Women’s Health Program
- How Much of Texas’ Motor Fuels Tax Funds Transportation?
- Gov. Perry Appoints Seven to Texas Emerging Technology Advisory Committee
- Texas Secretary of State John Steen will step down in January
Limited general news from across Texas today:
- Ex-El Paso County commissioner Betti Flores gets 5 years probation in public corruption case
- Sentence in Texas teen’s fatal DWI wreck stirs ire
- Big Spring Salvation Army Spending Thousand Due To Illegal Dumping
- Two Snyder Men Arrested Near Tye after Shooting at Officers
- Texas actress wanted to frame husband, not kill president: prosecutor – that was obvious from the beginning!
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