TX19: Donald May’s poll: Neugebauer 39.5%, May 32.8%

Texas 19th Congressional District Republican challenger Dr. Donald May released poll numbers on Pratt on Texas today showing that in a two-person race, at the beginning of election season, incumbent Congressman Randy Neugebauer gets 39.5% of the GOP primary vote with challenger Donald May netting 32.8%.

More from the May campaign:

39.55 % Neugebauer, 32.84 % Donald May and 27.61% undecided.

The poll shows the following sentiment for Neugebauer:
•    19.23 % very positive
•    25.38 % somewhat positive
•    22.31 % very negative
•    19.23 % somewhat negative
•    13.85 % neutral

The total positive number for Neugebauer is 44.61 and the total negative number is 42.54, putting him perilously close to being underwater.

1,640 poll respondents. Margin of error said to be 2.7%.

May campaign press release with more poll data.

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