- ACLU Report Exposes Extent Of License Plate Surveillance
- Ohio House Votes Overwhelmingly To Ban Traffic Cameras
- Iowa City Traffic Camera Ban Petition Filed
- Ohio considers bill to ban traffic cameras after judge calls them a scam
- Robinson: Why Rand Paul is right on drone policy
- Redflex Sues Its Own Employee Over Chicago Red Light Camera Scandal
- Redflex Admits Bribery Scheme in Two More Cities
- More Redflex Executives Fall Over Bribery Scandal
- Iowa Takes Three Approaches To Ending Traffic Cameras
- Lawmaker in Arizona to introduce legislation banning the use of speed cameras and red light cameras
- Postal Service claims immunity from red light and speed camera tickets
- Redflex Traffic Systems Sued Over Anti-Australian Bias
- Redflex In Turmoil Over Shareholder Revolt, Ethics Investigation
- Sugar Land asks residents to weigh in on “security” cameras that scan all license plates coming to city
- Amid drone debate, police spend millions on spy planes
- Cameras stream Mission, Texas to PD, watch Mission streets
- San Benito, Texas to install 64 surveillance cameras
- New cameras to watch cameras that watch you
- Chicago Speed Cameras to Photograph Children
- ACLU Investigates License Plate Readers, Tracking
- Sugar Land looks to add more than 200 cameras around the city
- Midwest ranchers, lawmakers protest EPA flyovers
- Air Force Document: Drones Can Be Used To Spy On Americans
- Rise of spy planes exposed after FAA is forced to reveal 63 launch sites across U.S., Map of Domestic Drone Authorizations
- Dallas School Bus Cameras Pointed Out, Not In
- Unmanned aerial vehicles in U.S. airspace raise privacy issues
- Coming to a sky near you: Drones
- Maryland Considers Eliminating Judges for Photo Tickets – see where this is going?
- Pressure builds for civilian drone flights at home
- Maryland Lawmakers May End Police Camera Ticket Review
- South Carolina Legislature Shuts Door on Photo Enforcement
- Fort Lauderdale police roll out video surveillance truck called The Peacemaker
- License plate ID system allows for fewer parking meters in Galveston
- Company hoarding license-plate data on US drivers for automated plate scanning by government
– A private firm cannot take my Liberty, they can collect all data they wish. But, gov’t using this data without limits may be a problem.
- A Predator Drone in the USA Could Be Spying on You
- Arlington, Texas Police to Add to Fleet of Drones
- Oxford (UK) to fit all taxis with CCTV and record all conversation
- Voters in Seven Cities Reject Photo Enforcement
- Austin, Texas Explores Photo Parking Snitch Tickets
- New Montgomery County Police Drone Could Carry Weapons
- Austin PD Installing Surveillance Cameras Downtown
- Dallas to use cameras that recognize license plates to track down people with unpaid fines, fees – frightening that so many think such to be a good idea
- Austin PD Community “Crime” Cameras Turned On
- Old Waco SWAT vehicle gets new crime-fighting job
- Police cameras now part of the uniform in some Dallas-area cities
- Arlington. Texas Testing Unmanned Helicopters For Crime Fighting
- Freeport to get surveillance cameras
- Thermal Cameras On Boston Streets Can Show Activity Inside Homes– so what are the big gov’t drones going to claim now? Is there no expectation of privacy inside a private building?
- 31 Dallas Crime Cameras Are Not Working – these programs are a joke
- Photo Enforcement Companies Accuse One Another of Deception
- Mexico City focuses on CCTV to combat crime
- Ticket Cameras on School Buses?
- State Lawmakers Rally to Oppose Photo Enforcement
- Lawsuit Challenges Rental Car, Photo Ticket Collaboration
- Texas, Australia: Bogus Photo Tickets Raise Alarm
- Homeland Security picking up tab for 250-300 surveillance cameras in downtown Houston
- Federal Court Green Lights Anti-Camera Lawsuit
- Russians Develop DUI Camera
- Houston Downtown Cameras Will Target Crime
- CameraFraud.com
- Washington Supreme Court: Anti-Traffic Camera Vote Will Happen
- Camera systems let cops run dozens of plates at a time
- Beaumont, Port Arthur police test license plate cameras
- Cameras shoot to deter, protect
- Texas, Washington Anti-Camera Initiatives Gather Momentum
- Waco police will use license plate cameras to track down stolen vehicles, warrant dodgers
- South Carolina Bans Photo Enforcement
- 2 Dozen Dallas PD Crime Cameras on the Fritz
- Burglaries Up Despite Uptown Dallas Crime Cameras
- Surveillance Will Expand To Midtown, NY Mayor Says
- With new security cameras, Mission police are watching
- Judge keeps Dell Inc in New Orleans’ camera lawsuit
- Restore the 4th Amendment. Help End Government Surveillance!
- NYC Camera Fraud group
- Jay Leno Discusses Destruction of Speed Cameras on BBC
- US Supreme Court Upsets Speed Camera Industry
- San Antonio learns downtown police surveillance cameras not working well
- Police chief denounces ‘cowardly’ iPhone users monitoring speed traps
- Maine governor signs into law a total ban on red light cameras and speed cameras
- Editorial: Camera network an assault on public’s rights
- Editorial: The traffic-camera scam
- Get the Feeling You’re Being Watched? If You’re Driving, You Just Might Be
- Chicago to have surveillance cams on “every corner”
- UK to install CCTV cameras to track all purchases of alcohol
- Mississippi House Votes to Ban Ticket Cameras; Missouri and Maryland Protest
- California Appellate Court Publishes Anti-Camera Decision
- Arizona Group Launches Statewide Referendum to Ban Photo Enforcement
- Study Critical of San Francisco Surveillance Cameras, cams do not reduce crime
Arizona: Santas Disable Enforcement Cameras in Tempe
- High schools students use speed cameras to punish enemies
- Redflex to Hire Staff for Arizona Governor
- Minority Report-style CCTV that spots crimes BEFORE they happen – and assuming such a silly thing worked, how would you act upon it?
- Justice, NYPD feuding over terrorist surveillance
- Scholars Uncover Flaws in Red Light Camera Research
- Canada: Judge Lets Cop Walk in Photo Radar Bribe Case
- Director for Public Prosecutions chief Sir Ken Macdonald attacks Big Brother state surveillance in the UK
- Australia Deploys Vehicle Noise Cameras
- UK: Video Highlights BBC Speed Camera Censorship
- UK Speed Cameras to Monitor Every Stretch of Road in the Name of Fighting Global Warming!
- Red-light cameras won’t help safety
- Photo Ticket Cameras to Track Drivers Nationwide – told you so!
- Watching over you: McAllen police plan to install 120 surveillance cameras
- Illinois Gov. hopes to raise millions to fight crime by putting cameras on interstates
- Innocent Florida, Louisiana Motorists Receive Bogus Photo Tickets
- Flint seeks sponsors for police surveillance cameras; some question whether it’s appropriate – “this camera brought to you by Roger Moore Bail Bonds”
- CCTV surveillance out of control in the UK, Hats banned from Yorkshire pubs over CCTV fears
- Orlando Surveillance Cams Will Detect Motion, Alert In Real-Time
- CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police – no surprise to me
- UK Motorist Proves to Judge that the Traffic Camera Lied
- Revenue Concerns Derail Maryland, Washington Photo Ticketing Expansion
- Houston toll road cameras looking beyond scofflaw drivers
- 200 surveillance cameras at Van Dyke houses fail to stop rape suspect
- New surveillance camera sees through clothes
- NYC: Cameras now watching everyone in parks
- Police Go Live Monitoring D.C. Crime Cameras
- West Virginia: Bill Turns Traffic Cameras into Spy Cameras
- Louisiana: Parade Goers Seek to End Traffic Cameras
- Talking CCTV cameras used to fight “anti-social” behavior
- Ohio Supremes rule cities may use red light & speed cameras with civil penalties, decision made over home-rule issues, court acknowledged due process problems – this means a separate case on the due process issues will have to be brought, they only considered what was before them
- Camera vendor Red Flex under investigation for Mail Fraud in the U.S.
- Ticket Cameras Rammed, Burned, Bent Worldwide
- San Francisco Activates Bus Mounted Parking Ticket Cameras
- U.S. is Now an “Endemic Surveillance Society”
- Use of automated cameras in law enforcement helps scammer fool citizens
- Sign Of Times: NJ School Cameras Fed Live To Cops
- Ewan McGregor sick of Britain’s “ludicrous nanny state” rules
- Philadelphia Getting $10M In Cameras
- More mobile cameras to give tickets – this time street sweepers in Chicago
- Street sweeper cameras in San Francisco
- Louisiana Photo Enforcement Program Hits Legal Snag
- City passes camera law: Aberdeen agencies may now require surveillance devices in developments
- NYC Mayor: Surveillance a City Necessity
- Chicago Video Surveillance Gets Smarter
- Tens of thousands of CCTV cameras, yet 80% of crime unsolved
- Ohio Supreme Court Hears Photo Enforcement Case
- San Francisco Municipal Buses to Become Mobile Ticket Cameras
- Arizona to Turn Speed Cameras into Spy Cameras
- China Enacting a High-Tech Camera Plan to Track People
- California City to Transform Red Light Cameras Into Spy Cameras
- Surveillance Cameras Win Broad Support in USA
- ‘Big Brother’ plan for UK police to use new road cameras
- Study Finds Alternatives to Speed Bumps and Cameras
- UK: Public Applauds Speed Camera Burning
- European High Court Eliminates Right to Remain Silent in camera cases
- UK trash can ‘spy camera’ to enforce refuse rules
- UK has more speed cameras than any other country yet has fallen in world safety statistics
- Big Brother’s watching: The secret CCTV bunker that monitors our every move
- Camera to catch railroad crossing violators – I’m waiting for the wipe cam to be justified by public health!
- Missouri: Ethics Law Stops Traffic Camera Company
- Iowa Judge: Thousands of Camera Cop Refunds Are In Order
- North Carolina: Traffic Camera Profit Buys Surveillance Cameras – slippery slope? No, polished slide.
- Britain becoming a Big Brother society, says data watchdog, 1 camera for every 14 people in the UK
- Killeen, Texas looks to place 16 motion sensor cameras in alleys and streets downtown
- Big Brother barks? Govt unveils shouting CCTV cameras
- UK Cameras Crack Down on Mobile Phones, will generate significant new revenue
- Surveillance Cameras Get Smarter
- NY Times: Judge Restricts New York Police Surveillance
- Who Watches The Watchers In Surveillance Society?
- Michigan Attorney General Says Red Light & Speed Cameras Illegal
- Government to see you naked on UK streets – they used red light & speed cameras first, then CCTV of all city streets all of which as come to the USA, are the X-Ray scheme next?
- Civil fine not solution for red-light runners or any law breaking
- Faces from Red Light Video may be sold for biometric use
- State Rep. Isett Opposes Electronic Devices for Law Enforcement
- New real-time toll cameras nab toll scofflaws
- Pratt on Texas remarks delivered on 11 Dec. 2006 to Lubbock’s Monterrey AMBUCS club (pdf)
- Security cameras raise rights worry in NY: report
- Resources from Motorist.com on camera law
- Los Angeles using mobile automatic license plate reader
- Cities may owe millions for vendor collected tickets
- States face multiple lawsuits over vendor’s ad inserts
- England: Big Brother is shouting at you (it will be here soon!)
- NYC police to install 500+ surveillance cameras around city; testing audio sensors, computerized license plate readers…
- Chicago installs “security” cameras – wants to require them IN PRIVATE businesses to ID people entering & leaving – for those who have not understood our concern for which direction the slippery-slope was headed, here is your answer – Pratt
- Houtson PD chief proposes cameras to combat crime Chief says: “I think people are upset when people are robbed and killed on the streets of Houston and there is a lot of controversy about that,” he said. ”We are trying to respond to that. I don’t see a lot of people standing up and saying tax me for public safety.” UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR CANDIDATE but just how are cameras going to stop someone intent on committing murder? Should the dead person feel better in the after life that the cameras helped catch the murderer?
- Dallas installs cameras to watch for crime downtown
- PhotoCop: private, non-commercial web site providing research, management, and technical information about the photographic enforcement of traffic laws
- State legislation (choose Automated Enforcement)
- US DOT Red Light Enforcement Camera Resources
- Safety Evaluation of Red-Light Cameras—Executive Summary
- Articles on Photo Enforcement from the National Motorists Association
Camera law general archive to Sept. 2013
September 12, 2013 by