On Ruining Texas

Pratt on Texas - copyright Pratt on Texas all rights reservedSunday was 5th of May, or Cinco de Mayo, and it represents the victory of Texas-born Mexican general Zaragoza over invading French forces at Puebla de los Angeles, a key mountain pass on the way from the Gulf to Mexico City. The invasion was a last gasp of the old European empires at reconquering the peoples of the New World who had, one by one, revolted from monarchy and won their independence.

As Texans we face a different form of invasion. We face an invasion similar to that of Europe over the last few decades which is a transformative invasion the result of which can easily lead to the obliteration of culture.

…by the time California Governor Ronald Reagan became President Reagan, it had begun its transformation into an freedom restricting, soul crushing welfare state.

In Texas the influx of illegal aliens is a serious issue but it is the internal United States migration of which I write for the moment. Texas has lead the U.S. in job creation for over two decades and millions of Americans have moved here. Some are fully cognizant of what went wrong in their previous states and make some of our best conservatives but many others, likely the majority, are blind to why things are fundamentally better here economically than from those places they came.

When I was a child California was still golden, shining with entrepreneurial growth and opportunity. However, it was at its zenith then and began a rapid decline so that by the time California Governor Ronald Reagan became President Reagan, it had begun its transformation into a freedom restricting, soul crushing welfare state.

…inflow to the state is making it less and less possible we’ll have many “next times.”

This is why we cannot accept the old “next time” excuses from our legislators, net inflow to the state is making it less and less possible we’ll have many “next times.”

We must make fundamental structural reforms to Texas now, from stronger constitutional spending growth restrictions to property tax reform, so as to make it very difficult for those who bring their bad politics with them to ruin the Lone Star State over time.

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