Austin’s example of Leftist ignorance and stupidity

Newspaper editorial takes on a straw man of GOP thought

Pratt on Texas - copyright Pratt on Texas all rights reservedDemonstrating once again that liberals are not just ignorant but also stupid, the editorial board of the Austin American-Statesman ran an editorial titled: “Who do Texas leaders call for disaster aid? Big government.”

An echo of the group-think of East Coast-based media and the myriad of nonsensical columns we saw as Hurricane Harvey was doing its bit to land in the pages of Texas History, the pseudo-intellectuals of the Austin-Left think  they’ve found some neon-lighted, blinking contradiction of Republican conservatives but, what they are actually highlighting is their own self-imposed ignorance of what is conservatism and what is meant by limited-government by conservatives.

The self-congratulatory ignoramuses of the Left again demonstrate their confusion of purist Libertarian political thought with both Republicanism and with the conservative-wing of Republicanism.

Republicanism and conservative limited-government philosophies have always been for strong government but limited to those things only held to be legitimate functions of government.

The Statesman’s editorial seems to claim that suing the federal government over one issue is contradictory to working with it in another without recognition that one function may be legitimate and another not.

To my knowledge there has not been a significant argument amongst Republican conservatives that disaster management and recovery is not a legitimate function of either state or federal government. These arguments come from purist Libertarians who have their own national political party and are not commonly known as Republicans even if a few hold office under that GOP banner.

The Statesman’s editorial seems to claim that suing the federal government over one issue is contradictory to working with it in another without recognition that one function may be legitimate and another not. This is especially odd from editorialists who back the idea of local police not cooperating with Federal police on immigration related matters simply because the editors think immigration detainers to be an illegitimate function.

The editorial is an embarrassment of poor and sloppy reasoning.

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