Is King James about to be given a contract for Texas biology textbooks?

Robert Pratt photo Copyright Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt

Once again the pseudo-intellectuals of the Left who hold academic credentials are unmasking their dogmatic approach to their world view as they fight to have Texas school curriculum changed to stop any hint that their theory of evolution, as they express it, may have weaknesses.

Their dutiful dummies in the press are following along, tails wagging and mouths panting, as the State Board of Education is set to consider biology curriculum standards. If all you knew was manipulative media propaganda you’d think that conservatives, worse-yet Christian-conservatives,  are trying to require that creation at the hand of God be taught in public school biology classes along with King James getting the sole contract to provide the textbooks.

King James I

A more accurate picture of events can be deduced from this part of a sentence in a Texas Tribune story on the matter: “…Democrats on the board and activists say [changes] allow teachers to challenge evolution in the classroom, advancing creationist ideas.”

Once again we find those oh-so-open-minded Democrats and Leftists fighting to prevent anyone from challenging the theories they hold to in dogmatic fashion with the faith few religious are able to sustain daily.

…evaluation and challenge are not allowed when the theory in question is a quasi-religious tenet of the Left’s pantheon of false prophets.

Our friend and “board member Marty Rowley said he has received a lot of letters from constituents “wanting to make sure we allow teachers the space to teach the strengths and weaknesses of evolution, and that we cover them with the depth that allows our students to compete globally in science,” the Trib reported.

As with all of Leftist dogma, even that masquerading as science, science is not allowed. You see science is about challenge and evaluation; theory is just a popular idea without proof. But evaluation and challenge are not allowed when the theory in question is a quasi-religious tenet of the Left’s pantheon of false prophets.

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  1. You have no background in science, let alone biology, but you are going to lecture us (biologists) about what science is and how it works?

    • Pratt on Texas says

      Science is a process which requires the questioning of all that cannot be proven with repeatability. Many assumptions go unproven yet remain widely held but that doesn’t make them fact. Sounds like you need lecturing on many things.

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